Actions & Suggestions
Is anseo a gheobhfar éachtaint ar na bearta atá á gcur le chéile faoi láthair mar chuid de Phlean Teanga Mhúscraí agus na moltaí éagsúla atá tagtha ón bpobal áitiúil mar chuid den phróiseas pleanála teanga le roinnt míonna anuas.
Here you will get an insight into the actions currently being put together as part of the Múscraí Language Plan and the various suggestions received from the local community as part of the language planning process over the past number of months.
Tá dréacht-bhearta an Phlean Teanga (agus an buiséad a ghabhann leo) ar fáil le híoslódáil anseo.
The Language Plan’s draft actions (and the associated budget) are available to download here.
Tá liosta ollmhór na moltaí a bailíodh ó phobal Mhúscraí le linn an phróisis chomhairliúcháin ar fáil anseo.
A comprehensive list of suggestions gathered from the Múscraí community during the consultation process is available to download here.