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Chaith an Mheitheal Pleanála Teanga roinnt ama ag cur bileog eolais le chéile chun feasacht a ardú i measc an phobail áitiúil maidir le togra na pleanála teanga i Múscraí. Chabhraigh na fir an phoist áitiúla linn na bileoga eolais a scaipeadh ar thithe agus ar ghnóthaí an cheantair. Is féidir cóip den bhileog eolais a fheiscint anseo.
The Language Planning Group spent some time preparing an information leaflet to help raise awareness in the local community of the language planning project in Múscraí. The local post men helped us to distribute the information leaflets to every house and business in the area. The information leaflet can also be viewed here.
Reáchtáladh ceardlanna pleanála teanga leis na grúpaí seo a leanas / Language planning workshops were carried out with the following groups:
- 300 dalta meánscoile / secondary school students;
- 200 dalta bunscoile / national school students;
- 110 ball de choistí áitiúla / members of local committees.
Tá ceistneoirí comhlánaithe ag na grúpaí seo a leanas / Questionnaires have been filled out by the following groups:
- 300 dalta meánscoile / secondary school students;
- 200 dalta bunscoile / national school students;
- 80 ball de choistí áitiúla / members of local committees;
- 300 tuismitheoir dhaltaí bunscoile & meánscoile / parents of national & secondary school pupils;
- 130 Tuismitheoirí na lapadán & na bpáistí sna naíonraí áitiúla / Parents of toddlers & children attending the local naíonraí.
Dáileadh pacáistí eolais/tacaíochta ar thuismitheoirí na lapadán agus na bpáistí sna naíonraí i gceantar Gaeltachta Mhúscraí. Sna pacáistí eolais/tacaíochta bhí roinnt féiríní beaga agus eolas ar bhuanna an dátheangachais agus an tábhacht a bhaineann lena gcuid páistí a thógaint le Gaeilge.
We distributed information/support packages to the parents of toddlers and naíonra children in the Múscraí Gaeltacht area. The information/support packages contained some goodies and info on the advantages of bilingualism and the importance of raising children with Irish.
Tugadh deis do dhaoine nach raibh seans againn bualadh leo ceistneoir comónta a chomhlánú chun a gcuid tuairimí agus moltaí a chur in iúl. Bhí an ceistneoir sin ar fáil ar-líne agus scaipeadh cóipeanna crua sna séipéil átiúla chomh maith.
Those whom we didn’t have a chance to meet had the opportunity to pass on their ideas and suggestions by completing a general questionnaire. That questionnaire was available online and hard copies were also distributed through the local churches.
Reáchtáladh sraith cruinnithe poiblí i sráidbhailte Mhúscraí i gcaitheamh mhí Iúil 2017 chun deis a thabhairt don phobal áitiúil súil a chaitheamh ar na 1,500 moltaí a bailíodh go háitiúil agus 73 dréacht-bhearta an phlean a phlé.
A series of public meetings was held in the Múscraí villages during July 2017 to give the local community an opportunity to view the 1,500 recommendations collected locally and to discuss the 73 draft actions of the plan.
Ag eascairt as na cruinnithe poiblí sin agus tuilleadh plé ag an Meitheal Pleanála Teanga fágadh 75 bearta i bPlean Teanga Mhúscraí.
As a result of those public meeting and further discussions by the Language Plan Working Group a total of 75 measures were created as part of the Múscraí Irish Language Plan.
Caitheadh roinnt mhaith ama idir mí Iúil agus mí Mheán Fómhair ag cur caibidlí eagsúla an Phlean Teanga le chéile sular cuireadh faoi bhráid Údarás na Gaeltachta é le faomhadh go luath i mí Mheán Fómhair agus as sin cuireadh faoi bhráid na Roinne Cultúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta é don fhaomhadh deiridh.
Much time was spent between July and September finalising the various chapters of the Language Plan before it was submitted to Údarás na Gaeltachta for approval in early September and subsequently submitted to the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht for final approval.
Roinnt grianghraf de na ceardlanna / Some photos of the workshops
Scoil Náisiúnta Réidh na nDóirí
Scoil Lachtaín Naofa, Cill na Martra
Scoil Lachtaín Naofa, Cill na Martra
Scoil Náisiúnta Chúil Aodha-Barr d’Inse
Scoil Fhionnbarra, Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh
Scoil Fhionnbarra, Béal Átha’n Ghaorthaidh
Scoil Abán Naofa, Baile Bhúirne
Scoil Abán Naofa, Baile Bhúirne