Grá Mhúscraí – Gaeltacht Mhúscraí
Tourism Development in Gaeltacht Mhúscraí
Plean Gníomhaíochta Turasóireachta – Tourism Action Plan PREAS RÁITEAS (bilingual)
Tá pacáiste maoinithe suntasach mar aon le tacaíocht don gcéad Oifigeach Turasóireachta Poiblí dírithe ar chur chun cinn Ghaeltacht Mhúscraí i measc na mbeartas i bPlean Gnímh Turasóireachta Mhuscraí a sheol Méara an Chontae, an Comhairleoir Gillian Coughlan, ag Feirm Bhuabhaill Mhaigh Chromtha, i gCill na Martra, Dé Máirt an 3ú Bealtaine 2022. Breis >>
A significant funding package to support the recruitment of Gaeltacht Mhúscraí’s first dedicated Tourism Development Officer as well as a marketing budget was announced as County Cork Mayor, Cllr Gillian Coughlan, launched Gaeltacht Múscraí’s tourism development plan at the Macroom Buffalo Farm in Cill na Martra. Údarás na Gaeltachta, Cork County Council and Fáilte Ireland have all signalled their support for the tourism development plan, drawn up by a ‘meitheal’ of local tourism stakeholders, hoteliers, restauranteurs and accommodation and service providers, coordinated by the local Gaeltacht co-operative, Comharchumann Forbartha Mhúscraí. Also backing the project are local public representatives, indicating the widespread support for the plan among key parties. Read More >>

Tá an leagan Gaeilge agus na haguisín ar fáil. Ní mór ríomhphost a sheolfaidh chuig