Coláiste Íosagáin – Suirbhé -Survey

  • Post category:Nuacht


South elevation

Tá grá ar leith do Choláiste Íosagáin ag muintir Mhúscraí agus áit speisialta ag an scoil i stair Bhaile Bhúirne.

Ón uair gur dúnadh an scoil i 1989, tá roinnt iarrachtaí déanta chun ath-fhorbairt a dhéanamh ar shuíomh na scoile ar mhaithe na dúthaí, go háirithe ó thaobh cúrsaí shóisialta, cultúrtha, eacnamaíochta agus timpeallachta de.

Tá iarrachtaí úra déanta le déanaí ag Údarás na Gaeltachta agus a páirtithe leasmhara, ina measc, Institiúid Teicneolaíochta Chorcaí, Comhairle Contae Chiarraí. Tá éirithe go maith leis na hiarrachtaí seo.

Ar an gcéad dul síos, ceadaíodh €180,000 faoin scéim RRDF don Údarás chun máistirphlean a ullmhú don suíomh, chun deimhin a dhéanamh de go mbeidh tionchar shóisialta, cultúrtha agus eacnamaíochta dearfach ag eascair as an dtogra go háitiúil agus ar mhaithe an réigiúin i gcoitinne. Beidh cuid den deontas seo á úsáid freisin chun na hullmhúcháin teicniúla cuí a dhéanamh don bhforbairt fisiciúil.

Ceadaíodh €2.7m sa bhreis ar sin faoin scéim REDF chun Mol Forbartha Réigiúnach a chur ar bun. Beidh sé mar aidhm ag an MFR seo deiseanna fostaíochta breise a chruthú, agus treisiú agus éagsúlú a dhéanamh ar an mbonn fiontair go háitiúil. Beidh spásanna oibre chomhionaid á chur in áit laistigh den MFR, le binsí oibre, áiseanna traenála agus cruinnithe san áireamh. Beidh an áis seo ina chuid den gréasán ‘gteic’ atá á fhorbairt i gceantair Gaeltachta ó cheann ceann na tíre.

Cheap Údarás na Gaeltachta foireann faoi scáth Community Engagement Partners chun na míreanna shóisialta agus eacnamaíochta den mháistirphlean a ullmhú. Tá an grúpa seo tar éis inchur a fháil ós na páirtithe leasmhara éagsúla le míonna beaga anuas, agus ba mhaith leo anois smaointí agus moltaí an phobail áitiúil a chur leis an eolas atá bailithe go dáta.

De dheasca na géarchéime sláinte poiblí atá ann faoi láthair, is gá an inchur seo a lorg ar-líne seachas trí cruinnithe poiblí agus imeachtaí eile. Fós, is féidir leat tionchar nach beag a bheith agat ar thodhchaí Choláiste Íosagáin ar mhaithe Mhúscraí agus Baile Bhúirne i gcoitinne tríd an ceistneoir seo a chomhlíonadh.

Coimeádfar gach aighneacht faoi rún daingin, agus scriosfar na ceistneoirí nuair atá an anailís críochnaithe, agus treochtaí ginearálta amháin a bheidh san áireamh ins an tuairisc dheireanach.

Coláiste Íosagáin has a well-established place in the history of Ballyvourney and many remember its role in the community with fondness.

Since the school closed in 1989 a number of attempts have been made to re-develop the site and use it to bring social, cultural, economic and environmental benefit to the area.

These efforts have been redoubled in recent times by Údarás na Gaeltachta and their principal partners among whom are CIT, Cork County Council. These efforts have met with considerable success.

Firstly, a sum of €180,000 was provided from the RRDF to Údarás to allow them to prepare a masterplan for the property to ensure its redevelopment brings social, cultural and economic benefit to the area and the wider region. Part of this allocation is also to be used for the technical preparatory work associated with the physical redevelopment.

A further €2.7 million was provided under the REDF to enable a Regional Development Hub to be established. The purpose of this RDH will be to create additional employment opportunities and diversify and strengthen the enterprise base locally. Co-working spaces are to be provided within the RDH, including desk space, training and meeting facilities. This will become part of the ‘gteic’ network of such hubs located in Gaeltacht areas throughout the country.

A team led by Community Engagement Partners was appointed by Údarás na Gaeltachta to prepare the social and economic parts of the masterplan. The team has been consulting with all the principal partners over the last number of months and now wishes to gather the ideas and views of the community of the area.

Due to the current public health situation, it has been decided to seek these views online rather than through public meetings or other events. By completing this questionnaire, you will contribute in no small way to the future use of the Coláiste Íosagáin for the benefit of Ballyvourney and Gaeltacht Mhúscraí in general.

All submissions will be treated in strictest confidence, questionnaires will be destroyed when the analysis is completed and general trends only will be included in the final report.